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Chapter I.

1. Bernheim, H. Suggestive Therapeutics. Translated by C. A. Herter. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895, 416 pages.

2. Braid, J. Neurypnology; Or, The Rationale of Nervous Sleep, Considered in Relation With Animal Magnetism. London, 1843.

3. Bramwell, M. Hypnotism: Its History, Practice and Theory. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1928 (Revised Edition), 480 pages.

4. Breuer, J. and Freud, S. Studies in Hysteria. Translated by A. A. Brill. New York: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, 1936, 241 pages.

5. Charcot, J. M. Oeuvres Completes. Metallotherapie et Hypnotisme. Tome IX, Paris, 1890.

6. Dejerine, J. and Gauchler, E. Psychoneuroses and Psycho-therapy. Translated by S. E. Jelliffe. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1913, 395 pages.

7. Dessoir, M. Bibliography of Modern Hypnotism. Berlin, 1888.

8. Du Bois, P. Psychoneuroses and Their Psychic Treatment. Bern: Francke, 1905.

9. Ferenczi, S. Sex in Psychoanalysis. Translated by E. Jones. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1916, 338 pages. (See Chapter II on Introjection and Transference, originally published in the Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse, 1909.)

10. Freud, A. The Ego and Mechanisms of Defense. London: Hogarth Press, 1937, 196 pages.

11. Freud, S. Autobiography. Translated by J. Strachey. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1935, 153 pages.

12. - Basic Writings. Translated by A. A. Brill. New York: Modern Library, 1938, 1000 pages.

13. - General Introduction to Psychoanalysis. Translated by G. S. Hall. New York: Horace Liveright, 1920, 406 pages.

14. - Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. Translated by J. Strachey. London: The International Psychoanalytic Press, 1922, 134 pages.

15. - History of the Psychoanalytic Movement. Translated by A. A. Brill. New York: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, 1917, 58 pages.

16. Gurney, E. Recent Experiments in Hypnotism. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research,. 5: 3, 1888.

17. Hart, B. Psycho pathology, Its Development and Its Place in Medicine. New York: Macmillan, 1927, 153 pages.

18. Janet, P. The Major Symptoms of Hysteria, New York: Macmillan, 1907, 345 pages.

19. - The Mental State of Hystericals. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901.

20. - Principles of Psychotherapy. Translated by H. M. and E. R. Guthrie. New York: Macmillan, 1924, 322 pages.

21. -Psychological Healing, A Historical and Clinical Study. Translated by E. and C. Paul. New York: Macmillan, 1925, 2 volumes, 1265 pages.

22. Kiernan, J. G. Hypnotism in American Psychiatry Fifty Years Ago. American Journal of Insanity, 51: 336-354, 1894-95.

23. Liebeault, A. Du sommeil et des etats analogues consideres surtout au point de vue de I'action moral sur le physique. Nancy and Paris, 1866. Also, Vienna: Dueticke, 1892.

24. McDougall, W. Four Cases of "Regression" in Soldiers. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 15: 136-156, 1920.

25. - Hypnotism. Encyclopaedia Brittannica, Eleventh Edition.

26. - Outline of Abnormal Psychology. New York: Scribners, 1926, 572 pages.

27. Miller, H. C. Hypnotism and Disease. Boston: The Gorham Press, 1912, 252 pages.

28. Moll, A. Hypnotism. New York; Scribners, 1890, 408 page

29. Prince, M. The Unsconcious. New York; Macmilla and company, 1914. 549pages.

30.- et al. Psychotherapeutics. Boston: The Gorham Press, 1912, 186 pages,

31. - and Putnam, J. J. A Clinical Study of a Case of Phobia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 7: 259-292, 1912.

32. Schilder, P. and Kauders, O. Hypnosis. Translated by S. Rothenberg. Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series, 1927, No. 46, 118 pages.

33. Sidis, B. Foundations of Normal and Abnormal Psychology. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1914, 416 pages.

34. - The Psychology of Suggestion. New York: D. Appleton, 1898.

35. - Psycho pathological Researches. New York: G. E. Stechert, 1902, 329 pages.

36. - Nervous Ills: Their Cause and Cure. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1922.

37. Zilboorg, G. History of Medical Psychology. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1941, 589 pages.

Chapter II.

38. Baudouin, C. Suggestion and Autosuggestion. Translated by E. and C. Paul. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1922, 349 pages.

39. Bechterew, W. V. What is hypnosis? Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 18-25, April 1906.

40. Bernheim, H. Suggestive Therapeutics. Translated by C. A. Herter. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895, 416 pages.

41. Bramwell, M. Hypnotism: Its History, Practice and Theory. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1928 (Revised Edition) 480 pages.

42. Brotteaux, P. Hypnotisme et Scopochloralose. Paris, 1936, 64 pages.

43. - L'hypnotisme Moderne. Paris, 1938, 83 pages.

44. Coue, E. Self-Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion. New York: American Library Service, 1922, 93 pages.

45. Davis, L. W. and Husband, R. W. A study of hypnotic susceptibility in relation to personality traits. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1931, 26: 175-182.

46. Coriat, I. H. The experimental synthesis of the dissociated memories in alcoholic amnesia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1906, 1: 109-22.

47. Donley, J. The clinical use of hypnoidization. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, August-September 1908.

48. Erickson, M. H. The applications of hypnosis to psychiatry. Medical Record, 150: 60-65, 1939.

49. Fisher, C. Hypnosis in Treatment of Neuroses Due to War and to Other Causes. War Medicine, 4: 565-576, December 1943.

50. Forel, A. Der Hypnotismus oder die Suggestion und die Psycho-therapie; ihre psychologische, psychophysiologische und medizinische Bedeutung mil Einschluss der Psychoanalyse, sowie der Telepathiefrage; ein Lehr-buch fiir Studierende sowie fur weitere Kreise. 10 and 11 Aufl. Suttgart, 1921, 377 pages.

51. Friedlander, J. W. and Sarbin, T. R. The Depth of Hypnosis. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 33: 453-475, 1938.

52. Grinker, R. R. Conference on Narcosis, Hypnosis, and War Neuroses. Sponsored by the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, New York, January 1944, (Privately distributed).

53. - and Spiegel, J. P. War Neuroses in North Africa. The Tunisian Campaign (January-May 1943). New York: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1943, 300 pages.

54. Hadfield, J. A. War Neurosis: A Year in a Neuropathic Hospital. British Medical Journal, 1: 320,, March 7, 1942.

55. - Chapter on "Treatment by Suggestion and Hypno-analysis," Pages 128-149 in The Neuroses in War, edited by Emanuel Miller. New York: Macmillan and Company, 1940, 250 pages.

56. Horsley, J. S. Narcoanalysis. London: Oxford University Press, 1943.

57. Hull,C.L.Hypnotis and Suggestibility. NewYork: Appleton 1933

58. Janet, P. Principles of Psychotherapy. Translated by H. M. and E R. Guthrie. New York: Macmillan and Company, 1924, 322 pages.

59. - Psychological Healing, A Historical and Clinical Study, Cf No. 21.

60. Kraines, S. H. The Therapy of the Neuroses and Psychoses. Philadelphia : Lea and Febiger, 1941.

61. Kubie, L. S. Manual of Emergency Treatment for Acute War Neuroses. War Medicine, 4, 6: 582-598, December 1943.

62. - Use of Induced Hypnagogic Reveries in the Recovery of Repressed Amnesic Data. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 7, 5-6: 172-82, September-November, 1943.

63. _ and Margolin, S. A Physiological Method for the Induction of States of Partial Sleep, and Securing Free Association and Early Memories in Such States. Transactions Americal Neurological Association, 1942.

64. - The Process of Hypnotism and the Nature of the Hypnotic State. American Journal of Psychology, 100: 611-622, March, 1944.

65. Maclay, W. S. and Stokes, A. B. Second Report On the Work and Organisation of an Emergency Medical Service Neurosis Centre. Mill Hill Emergency Hospital, January 1, 1941 to December 31, 1942. London: Warden & Company, 40 pages.

66. McDougall, W. Outline of Abnormal Psychology. New York: Scribners, 1926, 572 pages.

67. Moll, A. Hypnotism. New York: Scribners, 1890, 408 pages.

68. Neustetter, W. L. Early Treatment of Nervous and Mental Disorders. London: Churchill, 1940. (See chapter on The Technique of Hypnotism.)

69. Rogerson, C. H. Narcoanalysis With Nitrous Oxide. British Medical Journal, June 17, 1944, 811-812.

70. Salter, A. Three Techniques of Autohypnosis. Journal of General Psychology, 1941, 24: 423-438.

71. - What Is Hypnosis? New York: Richard R. Smith, 1944, 88 pages.

72. Sargent, W. and Fraser, R. Inducing Light Hypnosis by Hyperventilation. Lancet, 1938, 235 : 778.

73. Schilder, P. and Kauders, O. Hypnosis. Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph, 1927, 46: 118 pages.

74. Sidis, B. An Experimental Study of Sleep. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1909, 106 pages.

75. - Nervous Ills: Their Cause and Cure. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1922.

76. - The Value of the Method of Hypnoidization in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychopathic Disorders. Medical Times of New York, 1919, xlvii, 245-250.

77. Stungo, E. Evipan Hypnosis in Psychiatric Outpatients. Lancet, April 19, 1941.

78. Vogt, O. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Nature of Hypnosis. Zeitschrift fur Hypnotismus, Volume 3, Page 277; Volume 4, Page 32, 1892-93.

79. Wells, W. R. Experiments in Waking Hypnosis for Instructional Purposes. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1924, 18: 389-404.

80. Wetterstrand, O. G. Hypnotism And Its Application to Practical Medicine. Translated by H. G. Petersen. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902, 166 pages.

81. White, R. W. and Shevach, B. J. Hypnosis And The Concept of Dissociation. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 37: 3, 309-328, July 1942.

82. Wingfield, H. E. An Introduction to the Study of Hypnotism, Experimental and Therapeutic. London: Baillaire, Tindall and Cox, 1920.

83. Winkel, L. Wesen und Bedeutung der therapeutischen Hypnose speciell bei Psychosen. Bonn, 1930, 38 pages.

84. Young, P. C. Is Rapport An Essential Characteristic of Hypnosis? Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 22: 130-139, 1927.

85. Barry, H Jr., MacKinnon. D. W. and Murray H. A. J Personality. A Hypnotizability as a personality trait and its typological relations Human Biology, 3: 1- 36, 1931

86. Bartlett, M. R. Relation of Suggestibility to other personality traits. Journal of General Psychology, 15: 191 196, 1936

87. - Suggestibility in psychopathic individuals: Astudy with psychoneurotic and dementia praecox subjects. Journal of General Psychology, 14: 241-247, 1936.

88. Bernhaim, H. Suggestive Therapeutics. Translated by Christian A. Herter. New York: Putnam's, 1895, 416 pages.

89. Bramwell, M. Hypnotism: Its History, Practice and Theory. Revised Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1928, 480 pages.

90. Brenman, M. and Reichard, S. Use of the Rorschach test in the prediction of hypnotizability. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 7: 5-6, 163-171, 1943.

91. Copeland, C. L. and Kitching, E. H. Hypnosis in mental hospital practice. Journal of Mental Science, 83: 316-329, 1937.

92. Davis, L. W. and Husband, R. W. A study of hypnotic susceptibility in relation to personality traits. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 26: 175-182, 1931.

93. Erickson, M. H. The applications of hypnosis to psychiatry. Medical Record, July 19, 1939, 60-65.

94. Fisher, C. Hypnosis in treatment of neuroses due to war and to other causes. War Medicine, 4: 565-76, December 1943.

95. Flatau, G. Experimenteller Hypnotismus. Psychotherapeut. Praxis, 1: 155-159, 1934, Vienna.

96. Forel, A. Der Hypnotismus oder die Suggestion und die Psychotherapie; ihre psychologische, psychophysiologische und medizinische Bedeutung mit Einschluss der Psychoanalyse, sowie der Telepathiefrage; ein Lehrbuch fur Studierende sowie fur weitere Kreise. 10 and 11 Aufl. Stuttgart, 1921, 377 pages.

97. Hull, C. L. Hypnosis and Suggestibility. New York: Appleton-Century, 1933.

98. Jenness, A. Chapter on Hypnotism. (In Personality and the Behavior Disorders, edited by J. McV. Hunt. New York: The Ronald Press, 1944, 2 volumes, pages 466-502.)

99. - and Dahms, H. Change of auditory threshold during reverie as related to hypnotizability. Journal oi General Psychology, 17: 167-170, 1937.

100. Miller, H. C. Functional Nerve Disease: An Epitome of War Experience for the Practitioner. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1920.

101. Moll, A. Hypnotism. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1890, 408 pages.

102. Morgan, J. J. B. The nature of suggestibility. Psychological Review 31 : 6, 1924.

103. Murray, H. Explorations in Personality, New York: Oxford University Press, 1938, 761 pages.

104. Rosenzweig, S. The experimental study of repression. (Pages 472-91 in Murray's Explorations in Personality. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938.)

105. - and Saranson, S. An experimental study of the triadic hypothesis : reaction to frustration, ego-defense and hypnotizability. Character and Personality, 11: 2, 1-19, December 1942.

106. Sarbin, T. R. and Madow, L. W. Predicting the depth of hypnosis by means of the Rorschach test. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 12: 2, 268-70, April 1942.

107. Schilder, P. Uber das Hypnose-Erlebnis der Schizophrene. Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 120, 700-707, 1929.

108. Tuckey, C. L. Treatment by Hypnotism and Suggestion or Psychotherapeutics. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1921, 413 pages.

109. Vogt, O. A contribution to the knowledge of the nature of hypnosis. Zeitschrift fiir Hypnotismus, 3: 277 and 4: 32, 1892-93.

110. Voisin, J. Des prepresentations mentales et des hallucinations visuelles et auditives post-hypnotiques conscientes chez les personnes ayant subi le treatment hypnotherapique. Cong, internat. de I'hypnot. exper. et therap., Paris, 1902, 276.

111. White, M. M. The physical and mental traits of individuals susceptible to hypnosis. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 25 : 293-98, 1930.

112. White, R. W. Hypnosis Test. (Pages 453-461 in Murray's Explorations in Personality, New York: Oxford University Press, 1938.)

113. - Prediction of hypnotic susceptibility from a knowledge of subject's attitudes. Journal of Psychology, 3: 265-277, 1937.

114. Williams, G. W. A study of the responses of three psychotic groups to a test of suggestibility. Journal of General Psychology, 1932, 302-10.

115. Winkel, L. Wesen und Bedeutung der therapeutischen Hypnose speciell bei Psychosen. Bonn, 1930, 38 pages.

Chapter IV.

116. Bauer, C. Aus der hypnotischen Poliklinik des Herrn. Prof. Forel in Zurich, Sommersemester, 1896. Zeitschrift iur Hypnotismus, Leipzig, 1897, Barth. 5: 31-45.

117. Bechterew, W. V. What is hypnosis? Journal of Abnormal Psychology, April, 1906, 18-25.

118. Beck, L. F. Hypnotic identification of an amnesia victim. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1938, 16: 36-42.

119. Bernheim, H. Suggestive Therapeutics. Translated by C. A. Herter. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895, 420 pages.

120. Birnie, C. R. Anorexia nervosa treated by hypnosis in out-patient practice. The Lancet, 2: 1331-32, December 5, 1936.

121. Bonjour, J. La guerison des condylomes par la suggestion. Schweiz-erische medizinische Wochenschrift, 1927, 57: 980-81.

122. Bramwell, M. Hypnotism: Its History, Practice and Theory. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1928, 480 pages.

123. Brenman, M. and Knight, R. P. Hypnotherapy for mental illness in the aged: case report of hysterical psychosis in a 71-year-old woman. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 7: 5-6, 188-98, 1943.

124. - Self-starvation and compulsive hopping with paradoxical reaction to hypnosis. In Press.

125. Breuer, J. and Freud, S. Studies in hysteria. Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series, 1936.

126. Brickner, R. M. and Kubie, L. S. A miniature psychic storm produced by super-ego conflict over simple posthypnotic suggestion. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 5: 467-87, 1936.

127. Brown, H. Advanced Suggestion. New York: William Wood and Company, 1919, 342 pages.

128. Brown, W. Hypnosis in hysteria. Letter to the editor of The Lancet. 15: 505, October 5, 1918.

129. - Hypnosis, suggestibility and progressive relaxation. British Journal of Psychology, 1938, 28: 396-411.

130. - Psychology and Psychotherapy. London: Edward Arnold and Company, 1934, 252 pages.

131. - The treatment of cases of shell-shock in an advanced neurological centre. The Lancet, August 17, 1918, 197-200.

132.- Myers, C. S. and McDougall, W. Symposium on the revival of emotional memories and its therapeutic value. Cf. No. 189.

133. Bunnemann, O. Successful use in psychogenic eczema: case. Die medisinische Welt. 8: 87-88, January 20, 1934.

134. Carlill, H. Hypnotism. The Lancet, 1: 61-66, January 5, 1935.

135. Connellan, P. S. The treatment of repressed memories by hypnotism. Bristol Medical-Chirurgical Journal, 43: 209-216, 1926.

136. Connelly, E. Uses of hypnosis in psychotherapy. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, 88: 627-32, 1936.

137. Copeland, C. L. and Kitching, E. H. Hypnosis in mental hospital practice. Journal of Mental Science, 83: 316-29, 1937.

138. Delius, H. Erfolge der hypnotischen Suggestiv-Behandlung in der Praxis. Zeitschrift fur Hypnotismus. Leipzig, 1897, S: 219-238.

139. Donley, J. E. The clinical use of hypnoidization in the treatment of some functional psychoses. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 3: 148-160, 1908-09.

140. Eisenbud, J. A method for investigating the effect of repression on the somatic expression of emotion in vegetative functions: a preliminary report. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1: 3, July 1939.

141. Erickson, M. H. Development of apparent unconsciousness during hypnotic reliving of a traumatic experience. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 38: 1282-1288, 1937.

142. - The induction of color blindness by a technique of hypnotic suggestion. Journal of General Psychology, 20: 61-89, 1939.

143. - The investigation of a specific amnesia. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 13: 143-150, 1933.

144. -A study of clinical and experimental findings on hypnotic deafness. (I) Journal of General Psychology, 19: 127-150, 1938. (II) Ibid, 19: 151-167, 1938.

145. - and Hill, L. Unconscious mental activity in hypnosis, psychoanalytic implications. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 13: 60-78, January 1944.

146. - and Kubie, L. S. The permanent relief of an obsessional phobia by means of communications with an unsuspected dual personality. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 8: 471-509, October 1939.

147. - The successful treatment of a case of acute hysterical depression by a return under hypnosis to a critical phase of childhood. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 10: 583-609, October 1941.

148. - The use of automatic drawing in the interpretation and relief of a state of acute obsessional depression. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 7: 443-466, 1938.

149. Estrin, J. Hypnosis as supportive symptomatic treatment in skin diseases: cases. Urologic and Cutaneous Review, 45: 337-38, May 1941.

150. Farber, L. H. and Fisher, C. An experimental approach to dream psychology through the use of hypnosis. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 12: 202-216, 1943.

151. Fervers, C. Hypnotic analysis with the patient in hypnotic state. Der Nervenarzt, 11: 25-30, January, 1938.

152. Fisher, C. Hypnosis in treatment of neuroses due to war and to other causes. War Medicine, 4: 565-76, December 1943.

153. Forel, A. Der Hypnotismus oder die Suggestion und die Psychotherapie; ihre psychologische, psychophysiologische und medizinische Bedeutung mit Einschluss der Psychoanalyse, sowie der Telepathiefrage; ein Lehr-buch fiir Studierende sowie fur weitere Kreise. 10 and 11 Aufl. Stuttgart, 1921, 377 pages.

154. Freud, S. Autobiography. Translated by J. Strachey. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1935, 153 pages.

155. Gerrish, F. The therapeutic value of hypnotic suggestion. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 4: 99, 1909.

156. Gill, M. M. and Brenman, M. Treatment of a case of anxiety hysteria by an hypnotic technique employing psychoanalytic principles. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 7: 5-6, 163-71, 1943.

157. Goldwyn, J. "Hypnoidalization": its psychotherapeutic value. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 24: 170-185, 1929.

158. Grinker, R. R. and Spiegel, J. P. War Neuroses in North Africa. The Tunisian Campaign (January-May 1943). New York: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1943, 300 pages.

159. Hadfield, .!. A Chapter on "Treatment by Suggestion and Hypno-analysis." (In I lir Neuroses in War, edited by Emanuel Miller, New York : Macmillan&Company, 1940.)

160. - Tin- reliability of infantile memories. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 13 87 - 111. 1928

161.- Chapter on Hypnotism (In Functional Nerve Disease: An Epitome oj Wat Experience for the Practitioner, Edited by muller Oxford, 1920.)

162. - War neurosis; a year in a neuropathic hospital. British Medical Journal, 1 : 320, March 1942.

163. Hart, H. H. Hypnosis in psychiatric clinics. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 74: 598-609, 1931.

164. Heyer, G. Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. London: C. W. Daniel Company, 1931, 144 pages.

165. Hilger, W. Hypnosis and Suggestion. Their Nature, Action, Importance, and Position Amongst Therapeutic Agents. Translated by R. W. Felkin. New York: Rebman Company, 1921, 233 pages.

166. Hollander, B. Hypnotism and Suggestion in Daily Life, Education and Medical Practice. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910, 295 pages.

167. - Methods and Uses of Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis. London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 1935, 191 pages.

168. Hurst, A. F. and Symns, J. L. M. The rapid cure of hysterical symptoms in soldiers. The Lancet, August 3, 1918, 139-141.

169. Janet, P. The Major Symptoms of Hysteria. New York: Macmillan, 1907, 345 pages.

170. - The Mental State of Hystericals. Translated by C. R. Corson. New York: Putnam's., 1901.

171. - Principles of psychotherapy. New York: Macmillan Company, 1924, 322 pages. Translated by H. M. and E. R. Guthrie.

172. - Psychological Healing, A Historical and Clinical Study. New York: Macmillan, 1925, 2 volumes, 1265 pages. Translated by E. and C. Paul.

173. Jentsch, E. Hypnologisches und Hypnotherapeutisches. Monatsschrift fur Psychiatric und Neurologic, Berlin, 45: 228-244, 1919.

174. Kardiner, A. The traumatic neuroses of war. Psychosomatic Medicine Monograph HI. Washington: National Research Council, 1941, 258 pages.

175. Karamischew, A. J. Hypnotherapie bei Ekzem, bei Psoriasis. Dermatolo-gische Wochenschrift, 102: 260-263, February 29, 1936.

176. Keller, D. H. A psychoanalytic cure of hysteria. Institution Quarterly, Springfield, Illinois, 1917, 8: 78-82.

177. Kohnstamm, O. On hypnotic influence on disturbances of menstruation. Die Therapie der Gegenwart. 1907, 48: 354-59.

178. Kraines, S. H. The Therapy of the Neuroses and Psychoses. Philadelphia : Lee and Febiger, 1941. Pages 227-233.

179. Kroger, W. S. and Freed, S. C. The psychosomatic treatment of functional dysmenorrhea by hypnosis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, December 1943, 817-822.

180. Kubie, L. S. Manual of emergency treatment for acute war neuroses. War Medicine, 6: 582-98, December 1943.

181. Levbarg, J. J. Hypnosis: a potent therapy in medicine. New York Physician, 1940, 14: 18.

182. Levine, M. Psychotherapy in Medical Practice. New York: Macmillan Company, 1942, 320 pages.

183. Lifschitz, S. Hypnoanalyse, Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der psycho-therapie und medisinischen psychologic, 1930.

184. Lindner, R. M.Robei Without a Cause, The Hypnoanalysis of a Criminal Psychopath. New York: Grune & Stratton, Inc., 1944, 289 pages.

185. Livingood, F. G. Hypnosis as an aid to adjustment. Journal of Psychology, 12: 203-7, 1941.

186. Lcjewenfeld, L. Hypnotismus und Medizin. Munich: J. F. Bergmann, 1922.

187. McDougall, W. Four cases of regression in soldiers. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 15: 136-156.

188. - Outline of Abnormal Psychology. New York: Scribner's, 1926, 572 pages.

189. - The revival of emotional memories and its therapeutic value. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1: 26, October 1920.

190. Milbrodt, W and Kohler A Hypnoanalityc therapy of alleged sciatica Die Medizinische Welt 8. 408, March 24, 1934

191 Miller, E TheNeuroset in II at New York Macmillan 1940

192. Miller H. C Functional Nerve Disease, London: Hodder and Stoughton, Ltd, 1920, 208 pages. 193. - Hypnotism and Disease. Boston: The Gorham Press . 1912, 252 pages.

194. Moll, A. Hypnotism. New York: Scribners, 1890, 408 pages Also, Berlin, 1924.

195. Morgan, J. J. B. Hypnosis with direct psychoanalytic statement and suggestion in the treatment of a psychoneurotic of low intelligence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1924, 19: 160-64.

196. Mott, F. W. War Neuroses and Shell Shock. Oxford, 1919.

197. Muhl, A. M. Automatic writing combined with crystal gazing as a means of recalling forgotten incidents. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 19: 264-73, 1924.

198. - Use of automatic writing in determining conflicts and early childhood impressions. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 18: 1-32, 1923.

199. Muniz. A. L. A case of anxiety neurosis cured by hypnosis. Revista medico cubana, 47: 135-142, February 1936.

200. - Hysteria, mutism and blindness cured by psychoanalysis and hypnotism. Revista medica cubana, 48: 675-678, July 1937.

201. - Hypsterical lethargy cured by hypnotism. Revista medico cubana, 46: 875-882, August 1935.

202. - Incoercible vomiting of pregnancy cured by hypnosis. Revista de la sanidad militar, Havana, 6: 65-70, 1942.

203. Myers, C. S. The revival of emotional memories and its therapeutic value British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1: 26, October 1920.

204. - Shell Shock 1914-1918. Cambridge: University Press, 1940; 146 pages.

205. Neustatter, W. L. The Technique of Hypnotism. (In Early Treatment of Nervous and Mental Disorders. London: Churchill, 1940.)

206. Platonow, K. I. On the objective proof of the experimental personality age regression. Journal of General Psychology, 9: 190-209, 1933.

207. Prince, M. Automatic writing combined with crystal gazing. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 20: 34, 1925-1926.

208. - The Dissociation of a personality. Second Edition. New York: Longmans, Green, 1908, 575 pages.

209. - Clinical and Experimental Studies in Personality. Second Edition. Edited by A. A. Roback. Cambridge: Sci-Arts, 1939, 671 pages.

210. - and Coriat, I. Cases illustrating the educational treatment of the psycho-neuroses. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 2: 166-177, 1907.

211. Renterghen, A. W. von. Ein fall von muskelkramph (tic rotatoire). Zeitschrift fur Hypnotismus, 4: 259-65, 1897.

212. Richter, P. Das Stottern und seine Heilung durch hypnotische Suggestion. Dresden : Rudolph, 1928, 51 pages.

213. Ross, T. A. The Common Neuroses. Baltimore: William Wood and Co., 1937, 233 pages.

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Chapter VI.

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295. Schilder, P. and Kauders, O. Hypnosis. Translated by S. Rothenberg. Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series, 1927, 46: 118.

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Book Title : HYPNOTHERAPY Margaret Brenman
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